5 Do’s and Don’t of Buying Investment Property in Burlington

Investing wisely in real estate creates tremendous wealth and passive income through long-term cash flow. In addition, investing done right allows you to maintain control of how you live your life. Savvy real estate investing will enable you to spend your time as you wish while looking forward to enjoying your golden years. It takes … Continued

5 Ways Homeowners in Burlington Can Get Out of Debt

Are you a homeowner who wants to get out of debt? Struggling to climb out of debt while paying exorbitant interest on your loans can be overwhelming. Another hurdle for many is the fear of changing lifestyles and doing without shopping therapy and all of the little perks and comforts they’ve grown accustomed to in … Continued
Selling a House in Poor Condition in Burlington

Selling a House in Poor Condition in Burlington

Owning a home is a responsibility. Over the years, you’ll have to spend money on repairs and maintenance. If you fall behind on maintenance, the value of your home will drop. Selling a house in poor condition is possible, but you’ll have to make some concessions when it comes to the asking price. You will … Continued
Who Pays Closing Costs in Vermont

Who Pays Closing Costs in Vermont

If you’re looking to sell your home in Vermont, understanding the closing costs is critical. While they might not seem like the most essential part of the sale, they can make or break the deal. When you don’t know how to make the right kind of closing costs arrangements, you may end up scaring away … Continued
Most Expensive Home Sales In Burlington VT

Most Expensive Home Sales In Burlington VT

Are you looking to upgrade from your current living situation and find a new home where you can live in absolute luxury? Is your current house too small for your growing family or are there too many household problems to fix?  Whatever your reason for looking for a new place to live, this list of … Continued
Sell an Ugly House Fast in VT

Sell an Ugly House Fast in VT

So you know you have an ugly house, but you also know you can’t afford a full home renovation. Don’t worry — this isn’t a problem.  Selling an ugly house, or “fixer-upper,” as the DIYers happily call it, can be difficult but doable. There are tips and tricks any home seller can use to make … Continued
Sell a condemned house in Vermont

Sell a Condemned House in VT

What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear the term condemned house? You’re probably thinking of a dilapidated, spooky house with creaky foundations and caved-in roofs. Surprisingly, this is not often the case. A condemned building is one that a government body declares uninhabitable or unsafe for human lives. In other … Continued
House in Probate in Vermont for Sale

Selling a House in Probate in Vermont

Losing a loved one is not only physically but also emotionally challenging. This is especially true if the bereaved was a property owner and you need to figure out what’s best to do with the property left.  For this reason, as much as you may love to take time off and heal emotionally, there are … Continued
Selling a Fire Damaged Home in Vermont

Selling a Fire Damaged Home in Vermont

Dealing with a fire-damaged house is not the kind of thing any homeowner wants to think about. But the important truth is that you could possibly find yourself in a situation where fire affects the integrity and condition of your home. And if that happens, you have to make a very important decision. Do you … Continued